

Music and Musicians at the Collegiate Church of St Omer

The country and Irish problem

Truly, Madly, Deeply: Sharing Story on the Bundian Way

On Music transcription modelling and composition using deep learning

Technocrats of the Imagination

Epiphanic Moments: Dancing Politics

Mother India: 100 years of Indian Cinema

Julius Röntgen: Piano Music

Recovering a ‘lost’ account

Asian Self-Representation at World’s Fairs

Writing for the Cut

Aegean Bronze Age Art: Meaning in the Making

Jacques Tati and Comedic Modernism

Ranters: Rehearsal and development process – how is the text enacted?

The First Modern Museums of Art

Two Decades of American Painting in Australia, 1967

Taking Carter to The Moon

Shifts in musicians’ self-regulated learning

Viral Landscapes

Stirring Up the Music: The Life and Works of Composer T.J. Anderson

Radiohead’s “Pyramid Song”: Ambiguity, Rhythm, and Participation

The Alexander Graham and Mabel Bell Story

Changing Conversations in Museums of the Americas

Savage Tales: The Writings of Paul Gauguin

The Interopera

The Participant Viewer


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