
Edward Lloyd and His World

Collaboration in struggle in Palestine

Lincoln’s Tragic Pragmatism

War and Genocide

A Bridge Between

From commodity to money

The Imperial Irish

James and His Striped Velvet Pantaloons

Powering Up Canada

Commemorating Augustus

The History of Inebriation and Reason from Plato to the Latin Middle Ages

In the Footsteps of Flora Tristan

Arab Routes: Pathways to Syrian California

Liverpool City of Radicals

Past Forward

A Common Humanity

On Plato’s Timaeus

War: How Conflict Shaped Us

Re-creation, Fragmentation, and Resilience

National indifference and the return of Alsace to France

Crusoe and His Consequences

Radical conduct: politics, sociability and equality in London 1789-1815

Reassessing the British Way in Warfare

Imagining Afghanistan

Exile, Imprisonment, or Death

Urban Memory

Female Friends and the Making of Transatlantic Quakerism

Providence, punishment and identity formation

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