
Disturbance and destruction: the aetiology of trauma

Epistemic Vice Predicts Acceptance of COVID-19 Misinformation

Schelling’s Ontology of Powers

Network Neutrality: It’s Complicated

Global displacement in the 21st century: towards an ethical framework

Of times before tomorrow

Spinoza and the Politics of Freedom

Responsible Brains: Neuroscience, Law, and Human Culpability

Post-Truth: Knowledge as a Power Game

Social Epistemology

The Scope of Serious Crime and Preventive Justice

The Emancipatory Project of Posthumanism

What is the Nature of Action?

What Is the Basis of Moral Obligation?

Self-Determination: The Ethics of Action

Hobbes on Liberty, Action and Free Will

A Theory of Moral Education

Regulating retirement and wrinkles

Why Bring the Kids into This? Anscombe and McLaughlin on Parental Rights

Wittgenstein’s philosophical method

Wittgenstein’s account of representation and Russell’s theories of judgment

Representation and Reality in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus

Consciousness, responsibility and executive processes

Philosophy and Rationalism

What Freud Really Meant

Philosophy for Life and other dangerous situations

Bolzano’s theory of propositions

The Midlife Crisis

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