
The Midlife Crisis

Gendering the Arab Spring

Female Iraqi Academics In Post-Invasion Iraq

Where be his quiddities now?

Islamic and Comparative Studies

Journal of Critical Realism

Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture Affect Health

Scottish Nationhood and Ethnic Minorities

Single-sex and Co-educational Schooling

Trapped in the Safety Net

Shot by the Messenger

The Political Economy of Television Sports Rights

The Rise and Fall of Central Planning

The gift of trust: how to get there from here

Preventing Insider Theft

Professing Selves: Transsexuality and Same-Sex Desire

Did Fatwa really lead to Jihad?

East Asian Development: Foundations and Strategies

Safe spaces for dykes in danger?

Social Remembering and Organizational Memory

The Core Of An Uneasy Case For Judicial Review

The Boston Tea Party

Mean Expression of the X-Chromosome is Associated with Neurona

Linkage as a Foundation for Post-Durban Climate Policy Architecture

Ocular Tremor in Parkinsons Disease is due to Head Oscillation

Earthquake Structural Engineering

State of the Union Address

Law enforcement access in a cloud environment

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