Institutional Bridging for SME High-distance Internationalisation to China

How Reducing Employment Protection Affects Job Creation and Job Destruction

Psychology curricula and the (re)production of racism

Transition economies in the Middle East: the Syrian experience

Drawing on the past: Palladio, his precursors and knowledge of ancient architecture

Does the Share of Female Managers Affect the Firm’s Geographic Spread?

Nuclear Energy, Economic Growth, and the Environment

The Local Version

The Birmingham Book

Accounting, governing, and the historical construction of the governing subject

Sovereign Wealth Fund: Navigating the Dichotomy of Good and Evil

Gorz and Stiegler: Politics, ecology and the Neganthropocene

Biological evolution and human cognition are analogous information processing systems

Theorizing, Deleuzian-style

The Devolution Catch-22

Are distributional preferences for safety stable?

The Ordinary Business of Life

The many ages of the court of justice of the European Union

Human Economists and Abstract Methodology

The association between access to key household resources and violence against women

Corporate Governance and Responsible Capitalism

The Practice and Problems of Transnational Counter-Terrorism

Beyond the Courtroom: Accountability for Grave and Systemic Human Rights Violations

Economic Freedom and the Harm of Adaptation

Vehicle Currency Pricing and Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Natural law in Aquinas and Grotius

Care precarity among older British migrants in Spain

Music and Musicians at the Collegiate Church of St Omer

A Ghost Map of Medical Device Companies

Monkey Williams

Why future International Business research needs more triangulation

The power of Connections: Evidence from financial companies

Gender and the Legal Profession

The Morality of Foreign Law

Redox Homeostasis and Signaling in a Higher-CO2 World

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