Minority Ethnic Staff in Universities

The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) and Race Equality Charter (REC) have made significant progress in enhancing the representation of ethnic minorities in UK HE. Despite advancements being made to bridge the disparity gap between ethnic minorities there is still a noticeable discrepancy between contract type with ethnic minorities being more likely to be concentrated in lower-level contracts such as fixed-term contracts. Recent research suggests the institutional context of each individual university, such as its historically consolidated reputation and the composition of employees that populate it, plays an important role in bridging this gap. Joining the REC has been found to be a common feature shared by universities that are more inclusive. This is because on average, universities that are charter members employ more minority ethnic staff in higher-level contracts compared with those universities that are not members.

Read the research referred to in brief

Image courtesy of interviewee. June 13, 2023

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