No Third Person

Christine Loh discusses her thoughts of what a new Hong Kong story might be, one that is to be worked out between Hong Kong and mainland China and no one else. Professor Christine Loh, SBS, JP, OBE, Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, is Chief Development Strategist at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She was Under Secretary for the Environment in the HKSAR Government (2012-17) and a Member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (1992-97 and 1998-2000). Loh has been active in public policy and politics since the 1980s. She founded and was the CEO of the non-profit think tank, Civic Exchange (2000-12), and helped to establish several non-profit organizations in Hong Kong related to the environment, equal opportunity, arts and culture, as well as human rights. Image courtesy of Christine Loh.

Image courtesy of interviewee. March 18, 2021

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