Penguin Odyssey

Professor LOW Ee Ling’s teaching innovations include the development of a pronunciation game known as “Penguin Odyssey” and most recently, the “NIE Well Said” app widely used by student teachers and in-service teachers. Professor LOW Ee Ling is Dean, Teacher Education and Professor of Education (Applied Linguistics and Teacher Learning) at the English Language & Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU).  She is a member of the NIE Senior Leadership Team and an elected member of the NTU Senate (2014-2018). Her previous appointments include: Chief Planning Officer, Director’s Office (2017-2018), Head of Strategic Planning and Academic Quality (2014-2017), Associate Dean for Programme and Student Development at the Office of Teacher Education (2009-2013) and Sub-Dean for Degree Programmes (2004-2009).  She has played a leading role in the conceptualization of the following strategic documents for NIE, Singapore: NIE Moving Forward: Towards 2017 Strategic Roadmap and Teacher Education for the 21st Century (TE21): A Blueprint for Teacher Education in Singapore (2009).

Image courtesy of interviewee. October 14, 2018

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