
What Climate-Related Information to Disclose?

The Theory and Practice of Investor Relations: A Global Perspective

Equilibrium Executive Compensation

Sustainable Finance

Exchange Competition, Entry, and Welfare

Financial Architecture and Financial Stability

The relationship between psychopathy and financial risk and time preferences

Moonshots, investment booms, and selection bias in the transmission of cultural traits

How Does Venture Capital Financing Improve Efficiency in Private Firms?

Opportunistic Proposals by Union Shareholders

Venture Capital’s Role in Financing Innovation

Surprise election for Trump connections

Trading Against the Random Expiration of Private Information

Credit cards: transactional convenience or debt-trap?

Price Discovery in Stock and Options Markets

Do CSR and Political Lobbying Protect Shareholder Wealth against Environmental Lawsuits

The power of Connections: Evidence from financial companies

The Value Premium Is NOT Dead in Canada

Empirical Evidence on Corporate Risk-Shifting

Company Voluntary Arrangements: Evaluating Success and Failure

The Internal and External Governance of Blockchain-Based Organizations

Bitcoin and the Rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

The herding behavior of pension funds

Longevity: A New Asset Class

Issues in Pension Funding

Distortions in analyst forecasts in the presence of short-term investors

Do Clean Energy Infrastructure Shares Make Financial Sense?

How can climate investing be relevant to the mainstream?

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