
The rise of the human capital industry

Global cities, the liability of foreignness, and theory on place and space in international business

Institutional Bridging for SME High-distance Internationalisation to China

Netflix: rise, fall and recovery

Dual strategy process in open strategizing

Developing successful assumed autonomy‐based initiatives

The secrets of supermarketing: A model balanced on a knife

Competitiveness and managerial discretion

Corporate Governance and Responsible Capitalism

Overreliance on China and the shift of global value chains in response to COVID-19

When does it really pay to be good?

Warm Glow or Extra Charge?

Ex‐military CEOs and financial misconduct

Pro-business degrowth

Real Option Empirical Research in Management

Competitor identification, perceived environmental uncertainty, and firm performance

Mutual Respect in Organizational Separation Processes

Do Highly Unionized Companies Compensate Their CEOs Less in Periods of Financial Distress?

Do Clean Energy Infrastructure Shares Make Financial Sense?

The Role of Short- Termism and Uncertainty Avoidance in Organizational Inaction on Climate Change: A Multi-Level Framework

Transnational power and translocal governance: The politics of corporate responsibility

Contested Compliance Regimes in Global Production Networks

China’s Next Strategic Advantage From Imitation to Innovation

Intellectual property rights in China

What comes after the knowledge era?

Achieving ambidexterity

Achieving ambidexterity (Part Two)

Five negotiator types: which are you?

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