
Policing & The Problem of Physical Restraint

Cosmopolitan Pariahs: The Moral Rationale for Exclusion under Article 1F

Brave New World: Legislating for the Future of Driverless Cars

Brave New World: Legislating for the Future of Driverless Cars

Detained Immigration Courts

The Insanity Defence Conflict and Reform in New Zealand

Diversion and Decarceration

Comprendre l’inconduite sexuelle policière : une perspective canadienne

Prosecuting Misdemeanors

Recidivism of Paroled Murderers

Bottom-up and thought-provoking sites of memory

The Immigration Law Death Penalty

A Deadly Distraction: Why the Death Penalty is not the Answer to Rape in South Asia

Narratives of Guilt and Innocence

The Victims’ Rights Movement

Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law

Sentencing Federal Drug Offenders

Policing the Black Man: Arrest, Prosecution, and Imprisonment

Juror and community views of the guilty plea sentencing discount

Coercive control in domestic relationships

COVID-19: An Exceptional or Surrounding Circumstance for the Purposes of Bail and Sentencing?

A Dual Scrutiny Mechanism for Australia’s Counter-Terrorism Law Landscape

Exploring detainees’ understanding of the right to a lawyer and potential barriers to accessing legal advice

Terrorist Profiling and Law Enforcement Detection, Prevention, Deterrence

Punished for Aging: Vulnerability, Rights, and Access to Justice in Canadian Penitentiaries

Is Death Different to Federal Judges?

Preventing and Reducing “Coercion” in Mental Health Services

Procedural justice, compliance with the law and police

Unwanted Distribution of Children’s Images and the Right to Development

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