
Refining the Reasonable Apprehension of Bias Test

Law’s reality: a philosophy of law

Critical Legal Thought: The Case for a Jurisprudence of Distribution

The Special Kay Defence of Non-Originalist Judges

Sisyphus and the Present: Time in Modern and Digital Legalities

Law is an Institution, an Artifact and a Practice

The Constitutionality of Mandating Editorial Transparency

Can the Liberal Order be Sustained? Nations, Network Effects, and the Erosion of Global Institutions

Bostock was Bogus: Textualism, Pluralism, and Title VII

More than Utopia

Vulnerability and Collective Responsibility

Cities, Preemption, and the Statutory Second Amendment

Plessy Preserved: Agencies and the Effective Constitution

Jousting Over Jurisdiction: Sovereignty and International Law in Late Nineteenth-Century South Asia

The Spark That Still Shines: John Calvin on Conscience and Natural Law

International Judicial Cooperation in Game Theory

The Precarious Rationality of International Law: Critiquing the International Rule of Recognition

Natural law in Aquinas and Grotius

Unreliable Protection: An Experimental Study of Experts’ In Bello Proportionality Decisions

Retroactive Adjudication

Citing Slavery

Judicial Activism in State Supreme Courts

The Morality of Foreign Law

A Prosecutor’s View of Plea Bargaining

The New Presumption Against Extraterritoriality

Legal Theory and the Politics of Legal Space

Islamic law and history

The Distorted Jurisprudential Discourse of Nazi Law

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