Reality, realism, measurement, and C-OAR-SE

Nick Lee provides a balanced commentary on Rossiter’s paper “How to use C-OAR-SE to design optimal standard measures”. Lee discusses Rossiter’s other C-OAR-SE work and throws light on a number of key measurement issues that seem under-appreciated at present in marketing and business research. Professor Nick Lee leads the core Marketing module on the WBS Distance Learning MBA, which is currently the top ranked distance learning MBA in the world (FT Rankings 2018). He also teaches quantitative research methods on the WBS DBA. Nick is also the Business and Management Pathway Lead for the Midlands Graduate School ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership (a collaboration for social science doctoral training between Warwick, and 5 other Midlands universities). Nick’s h-index is 29, and his i10 index is 51. His g-index is 70, making his hg-index 45, placing him in the top 3% of Full Professors in Marketing, and top 1% of all worldwide Marketing researchers.

  1. Reality, realism, measurement, and C-OAR-SE Nick Lee, University of Warwick

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Image courtesy of interviewee. April 17, 2020

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