
The identification of market power in the Big Data Sector Summary

Online homophobia from the perspectives of LGBTQ+ social media users

Racial bias as a multi-stage, multi-actor problem: Analysis of pretrial detention

Rethinking the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Towards the Next Generation of Law

Rethinking the role of debt in law students’ career choices

Rights, Common Good, and the Separation of Powers

State-centric proportionality analysis in Chinese administrative litigation

Taxing Police Brutality Bonds

The Clerkships Whisper Network: What it is, why it’s broken, and how to fix it

The Rohingya refugee crisis: analyzing the international law implications of its environmental impacts on Bangladesh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Anniversary Commemoration and International Human Rights Law

Unsexing citation: Closing the gender gap in global public law

Horizontal Dialogue Between UN Treaty Bodies and Regional Human Rights Courts

Historiography and Constitutional Adjudication

Localised medical moralities: organ trafficking and Israeli medical professionals

Law And Orders

Killing Precedent: The Slaughter-House Constitution

Do codes of conduct really mean a change in corporate practices about human rights? Evidence from the largest garment companies worldwide

Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: A Decade Later

Global constitutionalism and the legal system of China: Is dignity foundational?

From hierarchical to panoptic control: China’s solution in monitoring judges

A Performative Theory of Judicial Dissent

Asymmetric review of qualified immunity appeals

Child labor and unfree labor: Evidence from the palm oil sector in Sabah (East Malaysia)

Conceptualizing the transformative justice potential of peace processes

Child soldiers as contemporary slaves: A human rights approach

China, normative change, and the UN Human Rights Council

The Executive Power of Removal

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