
Assessing Community Readiness for Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes

Clientelistic politics and pro-poor targeting

Conditional cash transfers and women’s reproductive choices

Intensive and extensive margins of exports: What can India learn from China?

The State Capacity Ceiling on Tax Rates

The Effects of Immigration in a Developing Country: Brazil in the Age of Mass Migration

A Tale of Two Roads: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plain

Reflections on injustice, inequality and land conflict in Colombia

Sri Lanka’s Macroeconomic Crises

The association between access to key household resources and violence against women

Does Nutrition Provisioning Impact Educational and Learning Outcomes of Adolescent Girls?

Food, Fuel, and Facts: Distributional Effects of Global Price Shocks

Economic Consequences of Kinship: Evidence From U.S. Bans on Cousin Marriage

Higher Education and Morality

Place-based policies, structural change and female labor

Fossil fuels, alternative energy and economic growth

The health costs of dirty energy

Export side effects of wars on organized crime

Can referral improve targeting?

Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development

Returns to On-the-job Soft Skills Training

To Give or Not to Give? How Do Other Donors React to European Food Aid Allocation?

Estimating the Demand for Business Training

The Reversal of the Gender Education Gap with Economic Development

Worth Your Weight: Experimental Evidence on the Benefits of Obesity in Low-Income Countries

Urbanisation and the Onset of Modern Economic Growth

The Adoption of Unified Payments Interface in India

The Oil Nouveau-Riche and Arms Imports

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