
Collective bargaining in Canada in the age of precarious employment

How Reducing Employment Protection Affects Job Creation and Job Destruction

Does the Share of Female Managers Affect the Firm’s Geographic Spread?

The regional consequence of a disaster

Serial Entrepreneurship in China

Cross-occupational effects of immigration on native wages in the UK

The role of airports in city employment growth

Understanding Labor Market Discrimination Against Transgender People

Performance-related pay, mental and physiological health

The Sticking Plasters Aren’t Working

Gender Diversity and Diversity of Ideas

Workweek reduction and women’s job turnover: Evidence from South Korea

Trade-offs of Attending Better Schools

Mothers Working during Preschool Years and Child Skills

Labor Market Power, Self-Employment, and Development

The Market for Economics and Finance PhDs

노동시장의 인적자원 배분기능 효율성 – Efficiency of the Labor Market Allocation of Human Resources

Interactions with Powerful Female Colleagues Promote Diversity in Hiring

Impact of English instruction on labor market outcomes

Demography, Growth, and Robots in Advanced and Emerging Economies

Why wages don’t fall in jobs with incomplete contracts

Industrial Robots and Worker Reallocation in Great Britain

Human Capital Depreciation: Evidence from Teacher Waitlists

Air Quality, High-Skilled Worker Productivity and Adaptation

Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the United States

The Unintended Consequences of #MeToo

Public Attention to Gender Equality and Board Gender Diversity

Managing Relational Contracts

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