
Population homeostasis in sub-Saharan Africa

The Demographic Effects of Colonialism

Should I stay or should I go? Migrating away from an incumbent platform

Corruption under Austerity

Measuring Public Sentiment in a Volatile Environment

Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations

Monetary Transition: The Case for Money serving the Common Good

On the Benefits of Repaying

Experimental Choice and Disruptive Technologies

Agent-Based Macroeconomics

The Search for Good Jobs

Organizational capacity and profit shifting

The constraint on public debt when r < g but g < m

The Silver Economy as a Constructive Response in Public Policy on Aging

A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry

The Struggle for a Better World

Population and development redux

A labor of love: The impact of same-sex marriage on labor supply

Paralyzed by Fear: Rigid and Discrete Pricing under Demand Uncertainty

Ageist Stereotypes and Age Discrimination

Regulating Public Services

Energising Mexico: Historical Energy Consumption, Transitions and Economic Growth 1880-2015

Forecasting in social settings

Layers of Inequality: Unequal Opportunities and Skin Color in Mexico

Career Paths with a Two-Body Problem

A New Barometer of Global Supply Chain Pressures

Reshaping of global supply chains will take place, but it will not happen fast

Is It Time for Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic?

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