
Do parental time investments react to changes in child’s skills and health?

Private Input Suppliers as Information Agents for Technology Adoption in Agriculture

Monetary policy at the zero lower bound: Information in the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet

Adapting to Climate Change

Expropriations, Property Confiscations and New Offshore Entities

The Case for Medicare for All

Measuring and explaining changes in productivity

Economic Consequences of the U.S. Convict Labor System

Labour market outcomes of different institutional regimes

Towards a More Prosperous Springfield, Massachusetts

The evolution of altruistic preferences: mothers versus fathers

The role of the gravity forces on firms’ trade

How to pay for Social Security’s Missing Trust Fund?

Pairwise Kidney Exchange over the Blood Group Barrier

Effectiveness of Public Innovation Support in Europe

Trade and Domestic Policies under Monopolistic Competition

Vehicle Currency Pricing and Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Designing nudges for the context

Attention, recall, and purchase

Innovation Diffusion and Employment Networks

Do Beliefs about Peers Matter for Donation Matching?

The fetters of inheritance? Equal partition and regional economic development

Copyrights and Creativity

How to Teach the Fundamentals of Inequality in Economics

Do spouses influence each other’s stated son preference?

Protecting buyers from fine print

Urban Design and Economic Growth

Asset Pricing with Endogenous Beliefs-Dependent Risk Aversion

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