
Homoploutia: Top Labor and Capital Incomes in the United States, 1950-2020

Women in European academia before 1800

Union Leaders: Experimental Evidence from Myanmar

The market for inflation risk

The Reversal of the Gender Education Gap with Economic Development

How Sticky Wages in Existing Jobs Can Affect Hiring

Le Grand Retour de la terre dans les patrimoines

Does demand noise matter? Identification and implications

Worth Your Weight: Experimental Evidence on the Benefits of Obesity in Low-Income Countries

Hiring an employee’s friends is good for business

Social Influence in Prosocial Behavior

Automation and the Rise of Superstar Firms

Comprehensive monetary policy frameworks classification goes global

Urbanisation and the Onset of Modern Economic Growth

Competitive Structure and Bank Loan Rate in Pakistan’s Banking Industry

Easy Money: American Puritans and the Invention of Modern Currency

The Adoption of Unified Payments Interface in India

Did the Community Reinvestment Act lead to risky lending?

Liquidity in the global currency market

The Oil Nouveau-Riche and Arms Imports

Do in-work benefits work for low-skilled workers?

Information acquisition, referral, and organization

The impact of fiscal policy on gender-specific employment outcomes

Insurance and enterprise: cyber insurance for ransomware

Forecasting Total Energy’s CO2 Emissions

Victim-blaming Social Norms and Gender-based Violence

Institutional reform, technology adoption and redistribution: a political economy perspective

The Representation of Economics in Cinema

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