
Failing Banks

Assessing Community Readiness for Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes

Strategy-Proof Multi-Issue Mediation: An Application to Online Dispute Resolution

Morts Pour la France: A database of French fatalities of the Great War

Food Insecurity, Inflation and Government Aid

Planting the Seeds of Research

On Optimal Forest Management: A Bifurcation Analysis

Self- versus social image in warm-glow giving

On the Contributions of Colin Clark to Fisheries Economics

Investing in deflation, inflation, and stagflation regimes

Specialization in a knowledge economy

Many Possible Worlds: An Interdisciplinary History of the World Economy Since 1800

How Credible is the Credibility Revolution?

Gender and Economics

Clientelistic politics and pro-poor targeting

Incentives in Healthcare Payment Systems

Conditional cash transfers and women’s reproductive choices

Collective bargaining in Canada in the age of precarious employment

How Reducing Employment Protection Affects Job Creation and Job Destruction

Innovation and Strategic Network Formation

Greening the financial sector

Fertility, migration, and altruism

Does the Share of Female Managers Affect the Firm’s Geographic Spread?

Network Structure and Efficiency Gains from Mergers

AI Generated Inventions – Implications for the patent system

Fence Laws, Liability Rules, and Agricultural Productivity

The race that stopped a nation: lessons from Australia’s Covid vaccine failures

Bank ownership and firm performance

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