
How the Social Becomes the Biological: The Interaction Between the Genome and the Environment

Paradoxes in a prism: Reflections on the omnipotent passivity and omniscient oblivion of schizophrenia

A randomised controlled trial of three psychological treatments for anorexia nervosa

Listeners perceive complex pitch-temporal structure in melodies

Rage Spread Thin: Boredom and Aggression

Discerning depressive symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea

Four fundamental dimensions underlie the perception of human actions

The Varieties of Suicidal Experience

Internet-delivered interpretation training reduces worry and anxiety in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder

Differential attentional responding in caesarean versus vaginally delivered infants

Comparing comprehension and perception for speed-of-ageing and standard hazard ratio formats

The Science of Consciousness

Cognitive remediation – where are we now and what should we do next?

Harnessing Plasticity in the Atypical Developing Brain using Neurostimulation

Tricks of the mind

The Hidden Strengths of Weak Theories

Where in the brain is creativity?

Addressing the causes and consequences of patients’ perceptions of enduring somatic threat

The Mark of Villainy

Emotional devaluation in ignoring and forgetting as a function of adolescent development

Out of My Skull: The Psychology of Boredom

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development explained

Gatekeeping in High-Performance Settings

There is a lot more to compulsions than meets the eye

Interface Theory vs Gibson: An Ontological Defense of the Ecological Approach

Facial identity across the lifespan

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