
Many Possible Worlds: An Interdisciplinary History of the World Economy Since 1800

The Office for Budget Responsibility and the Politics of Technocratic Economic Governance

International Context and the Specific Value of EU–US Collaboration

Exposure to collective gender-based violence causes intimate partner violence

The Representation of Economics in Cinema

Power, Propaganda and Public Understanding of the Economy

Adam Smith’s America

Thomas Piketty on Capital


On the Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Status

A tale of trade-offs: The impact of macroeconomic factors on environmental concern

The China-OECD trade divide: building bridges

Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Housing Supply

Income Contingent University Loans

Understanding Social Preferences

The Duckworth-Lewis-Stern method

Fiscal consolidations and distributional effects

Cultures of Inequality: Financialisation, Labour and Social Finance

The Four Horsemen of Economic Collapse

Income Risk, the Tax‐benefit System and the Demand for Children

The economic impact on the UK of a customs union deal with the EU

Integrating Health and Social Care: State or Market?

The Market

Bank liquidity and the cost of debt

Uncertain Kingdom: nowcasting GDP and its revisions

Lending relationships and the collateral channel

Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds

Let’s talk about the weather: the impact of climate change on central banks

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